Conflict Coverage․ Summer School with British Expert Naomi Goldsmith

Conflict coverage is an issue of foremost importance on the media agenda today, particularly after the Artsakh war in 2020; it has become a priority topic for the Armenian media.

Prioritizing journalists’ professionalism and the peculiarities of conflict coverage, the Media Initiatives Center has organized a one-week summer school for the representatives of the Armenian media and non-governmental organizations.

The lead trainer of the summer school was British journalist Naomi Goldsmith. She helped the participants acquire skills to create quality content on conflicts, deliver adequate journalistic messages, and meet the audience’s needs.
During the one-week training, participants also improved their skills by learning how to visualize history, use open data, create multimedia materials, and higher quality content.

The participants also learned how to navigate a minefield, what skills are needed when passing through checkpoints. They also case studied colleagues’ work covering conflicts in foreign media, modern journalistic genres, and dimensions.

Hetq journalist Hayk Makiyan said that he prioritized the topics related to journalist safety during the training.” It was fascinating to use “forensic architecture” in the context of conflict coverage. It was an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge and connections.”

Garik Harutyunyan, a “FactorTV” and “AMPOP” journalist, singles out the knowledge he received about hate speech.
“Avoiding spreading hate speech is the most obvious way to avoid predispositions.” These things are very often missed and not given enough time and thought to. Learning how to communicate and ask the right questions to the victims is also very important, “says Garik Harutyunyan.

Narek Kirakosyan and Davit Galstyan shared their experience of conflict coverage in the “Crossroads” section of website.

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